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Home of Operation Heat Shield Canada
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Sarah is a fourth-year Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences student at the University of Ottawa. She has been part of the lab for three years, developing strong competency in microdialysis techniques, wet lab analyses, and whole-body heat and cold exposure studies. Her honours thesis examines the effects of cooling breaks on core temperature and cardiovascular strain during work in the heat.
Farah is a third-year undergraduate student completing her Honors Bachelor’s of Health Sciences with a special option in Bioscience. Since joining the lab in her second-year, Farah has been assisting with a multitude of studies in understanding the impact of heat stress on cellular responses in our body, especially amongst vulnerable populations.
Tabassum is a third-year undergraduate student at the University of Ottawa, completing an Honours Bachelor of Science in Translational and Molecular Medicine. Her involvement with human trials and wet lab work has enriched her understanding of the effects of heat stress on the physiological response of the body. Tabassum is excited to be
Tabassum is a third-year undergraduate student at the University of Ottawa, completing an Honours Bachelor of Science in Translational and Molecular Medicine. Her involvement with human trials and wet lab work has enriched her understanding of the effects of heat stress on the physiological response of the body. Tabassum is excited to be a member of HEPRU and looks forward to contributing to this area of research.
Matthew is a third-year undergraduate student in Human Kinetics, specializing in applied kinesiology. His research focuses on the effects of cold water immersion on thermoregulation and the development of protocols for safe work in various environmental conditions. Additionally, exploring the basis of biochemical respones to these envri
Matthew is a third-year undergraduate student in Human Kinetics, specializing in applied kinesiology. His research focuses on the effects of cold water immersion on thermoregulation and the development of protocols for safe work in various environmental conditions. Additionally, exploring the basis of biochemical respones to these envriomental stress' on the body to better understand cellular autophagy.
Shaza is a fourth-year undergraduate student in Health Sciences with a concentration in Population and Public Health and a minor in Psychology. She joined the lab in her third year to understand more about the human cellular response to heat stress and to gain more research experience. Shaza is excited to be part of this amazing team and to contribute to various studies.
Saeed Linton is an NSERC-funded undergraduate researcher at HEPRU, studying autophagy’s role in cellular survival during acute physiological stressors. His research compares metabolic (exercise) and heat-induced (warm-water immersion) stress responses, with a focus on aging. Passionate about translational medicine, he aims to bridge funda
Saeed Linton is an NSERC-funded undergraduate researcher at HEPRU, studying autophagy’s role in cellular survival during acute physiological stressors. His research compares metabolic (exercise) and heat-induced (warm-water immersion) stress responses, with a focus on aging. Passionate about translational medicine, he aims to bridge fundamental science with clinical applications. Outside the lab, Saeed is actively involved in entrepreneurship and community initiatives.
Raven is a second-year undergraduate student in Human Kinetics, specializing in applied kinesiology. She joined the lab to gain hands-on experience with heat-stress to enrich her understanding of the physiological response of the body. Raven is thrilled to be apart of this amazing team and to have the ability to assist with a multitude of heat-related studies.
Comparing regional variations in the nitric oxide contribution to local heating-induced cutaneous vasodilation between young males and females.
The effect of simulated indoor heatwave conditions on thermoregulation and cardiovascular autonomic modulation in older adults.
The efficacy of cooling centres for limiting hyperthermia in older adults during heatwaves.
Do metaboreceptors modulate sweating in a dose-dependent manner during dynamic exercise in the heat?
Hyperthermia in elderly adults exposed to a simulated day-long extreme heat event.
Assessing thermal strain in older adults in relation to increases in WBGT.
An examination of the regional influences of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) on the regulation of heat loss during exercise in the heat.
Forearm sweating to dose dependent increases in methylcholine and the influence of nitric oxide synthase (NOS).
Effects of work intensity on core temperature response in young and older workers during work in the heat.
Physiological monitoring of occupational heat strain.
The effects of protease-activated receptor 2 on sweating and cutaneous vasodilation in young males during exercise in the heat.
The role of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 in the modulation of cutaneous vasodilation and sweating in young males exercising in the heat.
Does PAR2 activation via SLIGKV-NH2 with exercise in the heat influence human heat loss responses during whole-body heat stress.
A case report: The physiological strain incurred by electric utility workers during consecutive work days.
Effect of atrial natriuretic peptide on heat loss responses of cutaneous vasodilation and sweating during exercise in the heat.
The effect of ETA and ETB Receptor Inhibition on cutaneous vasodilation and sweating in young males during rest and exercise in the heat.
Mechanisms underlying the metaboreceptor activation of heat loss responses during passive heat stress.
Endothelin-1 modulates methacholine-induced cutaneous vasodilation but not sweating in young human skin.
The effects of cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide on sweating and skin blood flow in individuals with type 1 diabetes.
The role of nitric oxide in the regulation of skin blood flow and sweating during heat stress.
Effects of arc and fire-resistant clothing on heat dissipation during work in the heat.
Temperature of fluid ingested on whole-body heat loss.
End-organ function of sweating and skin blood flow prior to and following exercise.
Adenosine receptor inhibition attenuates reflex cutaneous vasoconstriction.
Do metaboreceptors alter thermoeffector responses during the post-exercise period?
Post-exercise hypotension in trained and untrained men.
Healthy Eating, Aerobic and Resistance Training in Youth (HEARTY) trial.
Body Heat Storage during Work in the Heat in Type 1 Diabetes.
Nonthermal influences upon post-exercise heat loss responses following exercise-induced dehydration.
Cardiovascular and Thermal Response during Incremental levels of exercise-induced hyperthermia, and after delays in treatment time.
Exercise and type 1 diabetes.
The effect of wearing a cooling vest to alleviate thermal strain during a typical mining workload.
Healthy Eating Aerobic and Resistance Training in Youth.
Exercise-induced dehydration reduces sweat rate only after elevated levels similar to Euhydration are obtained.
Effect of baroreceptor unloading status on postexercise sympathetic control of heat loss responses.
The seperate and integrated influence of metabo- and baroreflex activity on heat loss responses.
Healthy Eating Aerobic and Resistance Training in Youth – effect on cardiorespiratory fitness.
Healthy Eating Aerobic and Resistance Training in Youth – effect on resting metabolic rate.
Control of cutaneous vascular conductance and sweating during recovery from dynamic exercise in hyperthermic humans.