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Home of Operation Heat Shield Canada
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Physiological monitoring for occupational heat stress management: recent advancements and remaining challenges.
Notley SR, Meade RD, Looney DP, Chapman CL, Potter AW, Fogarty A, Howlader T, Main LC, Friedl KE, Kenny GP.
PMID: Coming soon
DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2024-0395
A Content Analysis of Web-Based Heat Stress Materials Published by Occupational Health and Safety Ministries, Associations, and Agencies in Canada.
Tetzlaff EJ, Richards BJ, Wagar KE, Harris-Mostert RC, Journeay WS, O’Connor FK, Kenny GP.
PMID: 39703049
DOI: 10.1177/10482911241298948
Effect of fluid temperature on the relation and agreement between perceptual and physiological strain during simulated work in a hot environment.
O’Connor FK, Richards BJ, Ioannou LG, Kenny GP.
PMID: Coming soon
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2025.104077
An exploratory survey assessing the determinants of heat stress and heat strain in the Canadian mining industry from the worker’s perspective.
Tetzlaff EJ, Kirby NV, Ioannou LG, Meade RD, O’Connor FK, Flouris A, Kenny GP.
PMID: 39874589
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2025.2449947
Agreement between measured and self-reported physiological strain in young adults and older adults with and without common chronic diseases during simulated occupational heat stress.
O’Connor FK, Meade RD, Notley SR, Ioannou LG, Flouris AD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 39447152
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2024.2406227
An exploratory survey of on-site heat stress management practices in the Canadian mining industry.
Tetzlaff EJ, O’Conner FK, Meade RD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 38718416
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2024.2332722
Agreement between measured and self-reported physiological strain in males and females during simulated occupational heat stress.
O’Connor FK, Meade RD, Notley SR, Ioannou LG, Flouris AD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 38493300
DOI: 10.1002/ajim.23580
“Breaking down in tears, soaked in sweat, and sick from the heat”: Media-based composite narratives of first responders working during the 2021 Heat Dome.
Tetzlaff EJ, Cassan C, Goulet N, Gorman M, Hogya B, Kenny GP.
PMID: 38460501
DOI: 10.1002/ajim.23576
The utility of heart rate and heart rate variability to identify limits of tolerance to moderate-intensity work in the heat: A secondary analysis.
De Barros JA, Macartney MJ, Notley SR, Meade RD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 38170965
DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2023-0466
Changes in surrogate markers of intestinal epithelial injury and microbial translocation in young and older men during prolonged occupational heat stress in temperate and hot conditions.
Lee BJ, Flood TR, Galan-Lopez N, McCormick JJ, King K, Fujii N, Kenny GP.
PMID: 37815618
DOI: 10.1007/s00421-023-05329-7
Working under the 2021 Heat Dome: A content analysis of occupational impacts mentioned in the Canadian media.
Tetzlaff EJ, Goulet N, Gorman M, Ioannou LG, Kenny GP.
PMID: 37685459
DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11172423
Novel technological advances to protect people who exercise or work in unsuitable conditions: A transition to more personalized guidelines.
Ioannou L, Ciuha U, Fisher J, Tsoutsoubi L, Tobita K, Bonell A, Cotter J, Kenny GP, Flouris AD, Mekjavic IB.
DOI: 10.3390/app13158561
Impacts of age, diabetes and hypertension on serum endothelial monocyte-activating polypeptide-II after prolonged work in the heat.
Journeay WS, McCormick JJ, King KE, Notley SR, Goulet N, Fujii N, Amano T, Kenny GP.
PMID: 37017274
DOI: 10.1002/ajim.23477
Indicators to assess physiological heat strain - Part 1: Systematic review.
Ioannou LG, Mantzios K, Tsoutsoubi L, Notley SR, Dinas PC, Brearley M, Epstein Y, Havenith G, Sawka MN, Bröde P, Mekjavic IB, Kenny GP, Bernard TE, Nybo L, Flouris AD.
PMID: 36211945
DOI: 10.1080/23328940.2022.2037376
Effects of sex and wet-bulb globe temperature on heart rate variability during prolonged moderate-intensity exercise: A secondary analysis.
De Barros JA, Macartney MJ, Peoples GE, Notley SR, Christophe H, Kenny GP.
PMID: 35290752
DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2022-0004
Indicators to protect people against heat stress - Part 2: a Delphi exercise.
Ioannou LG, Notley SR, Dinas PC, Gofa F, Gourzoulidis GA, Brearley M, Epstein Y, Havenith G, Sawka MN, Bröde P, Mekjavic IB, Kenny GP, Bernard TE, Nybo L, Andreas AD.
PMID: 36211947
DOI: 10.1080/23328940.2022.2044738
Indicators to protect people against heat stress – Part 3: Multi-country field evaluation.
Ioannou LG, Tsoutsoubi L, Mantzios K, Vliora M, Nintou E, Piil J, Notley SR, Dinas PC, Gourzoulidis GA, Brearley M, Mekjavic IB, Kenny GP, Nybo L, Flouris AD.
PMID: 36249710
DOI: 10.1080/23328940.2022.2044739
Heat tolerance and the validity of occupational heat exposure limits in women during moderate-intensity work.
Notley SR, Akerman AP, Kenny GP, Friesen B, Poirier MP, McCourt E, Flouris AD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 35259026
DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2022-0003
Occupational heat strain in outdoor workers: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis.
Ioannou LG, Foster J, Morris NB, Pill JF, Havenith G, Mekjavic IB, Kenny GP, Nybo L, Flouris AD.
PMID: 35655665
DOI: 10.1080/23328940.2022.2030634
Determinants of heat stress and strain in electrical utilities workers across North American as assessed by means of an exploratory questionnaire.
Flouris AD, Ioannou L, Notley SR, Kenny GP.
PMID: 34731074
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2021.2001475
Initial stay times for uncompensable occupational heat stress in young-to-older men: A preliminary assessment.
Notley SR, Akerman A, Kenny GP.
PMID: 34710340
DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2021-0550
The impacts of sun exposure on worker physiology and cognition: multi-country evidence and Interventions.
Ioannou LG, Mantzios K, Tsoutsoubi L, Vliora V, Nintou E, Piil JF, Notley SR, Dinas, PC, Gofa F, Gourzoulidis GA, Brearley M, Epstein Y, Havenith G, Sawka MN, Bröde P, Mekjavic IB, Kenny GP, Bernard TE, Nybo L, Flouris D.
PMID: 34300148
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18147698
An exploratory survey of heat stress management programs in the electric power industry.
Kaltsatou A, Notley SR, Flouris AD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 34406910
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2021.1954187
Heat tolerance and occupational heat exposure limits in older men with and without type 2 diabetes or hypertension.
Notley SR, Akerman AP, Friesen BJ, Poirier MP, Sigal RJ, Flouris AD, Boulay P, McCourt E, Ruzicka M, Kenny GP.
PMID: 33988544
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002698.
Heart rate variability in older workers during work under the Threshold Limit Values® for heat exposure.
Kaltsatou A, Flouris AD, Herry CL, Notley SR, Macartney MJ, Seely AJ, Kenny GP.
PMID: 32677129
DOI: 10.1002/ajim.23156
Heart rate variability in older men on the day following prolonged work in the heat.
Macartney M, Notley SR, Meade R, Herry C, Kenny GP.
PMID: 32649261
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2020.1779932
Heat exchange in young and older men during constant- and variable-intensity work.
Notley SR, Meade RD, DʼSouza AW, Rutherford MM, Kim JH, Kenny GP.
PMID: 32433432
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002410
Whole-body heat exchange in women during constant- and variable-intensity work in the heat.
Notley SR, D'Souza AW, Meade RD, Richards BJ, Kenny GP.
PMID: 32902693
DOI: 10.1007/s00421-020-04486-3
Heat stress assessment during intermittent work under different environment conditions and clothing combinations of equivalent wet bulb globe temperature.
Seo Y, Powell JB, Strauch AL, Roberge RJ, Kenny GP, J-H Kim.
PMID: 31107182
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2019.1612523
Occupational heat stress management: Does one size fit all?
Notley SR, Flouris AD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 30791115
DOI: 10.1002/ajim.22961
Cumulative effects of successive workdays in the heat on thermoregulatory function in the aging worker.
Notley SR, Meade RD, D'Souza AW, McGarr GW, Kenny GP.
PMID: 30574523
DOI: 10.1080/23328940.2018.1512830
Heat loss is impaired in older men on the day after prolonged work in the heat.
Notley SR, Meade RD, D'Souza AW, Friesen BJ, Kenny GP.
PMID: 30113539
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001643
Workers' health and productivity under occupational heat strain: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Flouris AD, Dinas PC, Ioannou LG, Nybo L, Havenith G, Kenny GP, Kjellstrom T.
PMID: 30526938
DOI: 10.1016/S2542-5196(18)30237-7
Screening criteria for increased susceptibility to heat stress during work or leisure in hot environments in healthy individuals aged 31-70 years.
Flouris AD, McGinn R, Poirier M, Louie J, Ioannou L, Tsoutsoubi L, Sigal R, Boulay P, Hardcastle S, Kenny GP.
The physiological strain incurred during electrical utilities work over consecutive work shifts in hot environments: A case report.
Meade RD, D'Souza AW, Krishen L, Kenny GP.
PMID: 28825865
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2017.1365151
Does a prolonged work day in the heat impair heat loss on the next day in young men?
Notley SR, Meade RD, Friesen BJ, D’Souza AW, Kenny GP.
PMID: 28991046
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001444
Time-motion analysis as a novel approach for evaluating the impact of environmental heat exposure on labor loss in agriculture workers.
Ioannou LG, Tsoutsoubi L, Samoutis G, Bogataj LK, Kenny GP, Nybo L, Kjellstrom T, Flouris AD.
PMID: 28944274
DOI: 10.1080/23328940.2017.1338210
The recommended Threshold Limit Values for heat exposure fail to maintain body core temperature within safe limits in older working adults.
Lamarche DT, Meade RD, D'Souza AW, Flouris AD, Hardcastle SG, Sigal RJ, Boulay P, Kenny GP.
PMID: 28609164
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2017.1321844
Cognitive consequences of sleep deprivation, shiftwork, and heat exposure for underground miners.
Legault G, Clement A, Kenny GP, Hardcastle S, Keller N.
PMID: 27633207
DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.06.007
Do the Threshold Limit Values for work in hot conditions adequately protect workers?
Meade RD, Poirier MP, Flouris AD, Hardcastle SG, Kenny GP.
PMID: 26938043
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000886
The physical demands of electrical utilities work in North America.
Meade RD, Lauzon M, Poirier MP, Flouris AD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 26317802
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2015.1077966.
An evaluation of the physiological strain experienced by electrical utility workers in North America.
Meade RD, Lauzon M, Poirier MP, Flouris AD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 26011148
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2015.1043054
The influence of arc-flash and fire-resistant clothing on thermoregulation during exercise in the heat.
Poirier MP, Meade RD, McGinn R, Friesen BJ, Hardcastle SG, Flouris AD, Kenny GP.
PMID: 25898230
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2015.1029615
Do older firefighters show long-term adaptations to work in the heat?
Wright HE, Larose J, McLellan TM, Miller S, Boulay P, Kenny GP.
PMID: 24195537
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.821574
Physical work capacity in older adults: Implications for the aging worker.
Kenny GP, Yardley JE, Martineau L, Jay O.
PMID: 18543279
DOI: 10.1002/ajim.20600